
Python Aliases

alias pip='python3 -m pip'
alias python='python3'
alias py='python3'

ls Alias

Because ls does not automagically add color

alias ls='ls --color'

Prompt customization

checkout the sourcefile for more, here I am going to detail the customization that I add.

export PROMPT=$'%F{green}%B%n%b%f %F{111}%3~%f %(?.%F{green}\U279c%f.%F{009}\U279c%f) '
  • $ : Required for unicode parsing
  • %F….%f is for setting Foreground colors,
  • colors specified in {color/color_code} format
  • %B….%b for bold text
  • %n for username
  • %m for machine name (condensed)
  • %~ for pwd, but with $HOME prefix,
  • 3 for the number of parent dirs to show
  • alternatively use %d or %/ for full paths
  • \U0000 for unicode
  • %(?.if_reu\turn_code_istrue.if_reuturn_code_isfalse)
  • Next we have colorized the output for each case (true/false)
  • 009 is a brighter, non panicy version of red

You can invoke the new user install again by running

autoload zsh-newuser-install && zsh-newuser-install -f

This will add some autocomplete magic and let you set options for history file etc.